Monday 5 April 2021

Procedure Video & Text

Sometimes having to do all that studying and catching up with reading from previous weeks feels like a drag. 

It can be overwhelming because together with the studying can come a wave of questions where you doubt yourself on a personal level with thoughts. 

These thoughts are subtle but can lead to difficult feelings that interfere with motivation. So to generate that motivation you could try some of the following:

1Acknowledge your resistance and difficult feelings with motivation

It may be helpful to write these feelings or thoughts down and then leave these on the side so you can then study.

2. Do not blame yourself for procrastinating now and then.

Try to become aware of the habit and gently make yourself to go back to the task sooner rather than later. 

3. Try to understand your studying style better.

What will make it easier for you to work? We are all prone to pleasant experiences and it is natural that we tend to avoid uncomfortable, dry chores and duties.  So try to make your study experience as interesting as possible.

4. Don’t question your abilities.
Don’t question your abilities by comparing yourself to others.

That’s all I can give you hehe XD. Hope these helps in your future studies.

Sunday 27 September 2020

My Goal My Ambition

 My Goals My Ambition

   I just want a successful career where I can make enough money for my needs and my future family. I want my future family to be “comfortable”  where money isn’t a problem. As of now, I don’t have anything I’am passionate about but in the future i want to find a passion and pursue it.

  I guess my strengths lies in sports. Believe it or not, I was almost chosen to be U-19 team in Singapore but because of my move to Indonesia, I can’t continue that.
Coming to Indonesia, I observed that there are tons of streets cats wherever you go. My heart breaks seeing some of them being sick and unloved. So I decided to take in some of the street cats and take care of them till they are ready to be adopt. So far I’ve only done this to 3 cats but I’m really proud of that achievement eheh.

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Interviewer: So what's your take on online learning from home?

Maulidya : In my opinion, there are advantages and disadvantages from learning at home. I'll start with the advantages first so number one, we learn how to manage our time well as when we study at home whether we like or not we have to divide our time well between our parents and studying, also at home there would be tons of distractions such as games, online movies and even our parents or siblings. This will encouraged us to manage our time well. Number two, we would have more time to learn other things such as our hobbies. Unfortunately learning at home has it downsides for example, we may not have the perfect 'study' environment like we do at school. What i meant by that was people may not have tables and chairs to write or sit on, they may also not have the device to study properly like not having computers or wifi. This could be a huge burden on people with low-income. Some students do not have the peace and quiet like they do at school. They may have younger siblings to take care of or their parents making a ruckus and not supporting the idle environment to study.

Monday 13 July 2020


School Immersion

Siswa Kelas Akselerasi SMAN 3 Bandung Tak Temu Kesulitan Saat ...

B = Brie
A = Abby

B: Hey Abby! I heard that there will be a school immersion to the local park next week!

A: Oh yeah! I just heard about it yesterday, are you going?

B: Yup! By the way, do you have clothes for next week?

A: Yeah, just the casual jeans and t-shirt. 

B: Hmm...I don't really have any appropriate clothes for next week. Can you suggest some good clothing stores I could go to?

A: could try going to either Store1, Store2 or Store3. I believe you could find something you need there.

B: Thanks, you're a live saver. Would you like to accompany me to the local cafe downtown? As a thank you, I'll treat ya!

A: Sure, let's go.


by Maulidya Humaera

Sunday 1 March 2020

English Recount Text Poster

Bandung Sea of Fire is a large fire events that occurred in the city of Bandung, West Java province, Indonesia on March 23, 1946. Within seven hours, about 200,000 residents of Bandung burn their homes, leaving the city to the mountains in the south of Bandung. This is done to prevent the Allied soldiers and NICA Netherlands to be able to use the city of Bandung as a military strategic headquarters in the Indonesian War of Independence.

British troops part of the Brigade MacDonald arrived in Singapore on October 12, 1945. Since the beginning of their relationship with the government of Indonesia has been strained. They demanded that all firearms in the hands of the population, except for TKR and police, handed over to them. Dutch people newly released from prison camp began to take actions that begin to disrupt security. As a result, armed clashes between England and TKR unavoidable. Night November 21, 1945, TKR and agencies struggle launched an attack on the British positions in the north, including the Hotel Homann and Hotel Preanger which they use as a headquarters. Three days later, MacDonald delivered an ultimatum to the governor of North Bandung of West Java vacated by residents of Indonesia, including the armed forces.

Allied ultimatum that the Army of the Republic of Indonesia (TRI, the designation for the military at the time) to leave the city of Bandung encourage TRI to perform the operation "bumihangus". The fighters of the Republic of Indonesia is not willing parties if Bandung used by the Allies and NICA. Bandung burned decision to be reached by consensus Assembly Persatoean Priangan Struggle (MP3) in the presence of all the power struggle of the Republic of Indonesia, on March 23, 1946 [2]. Colonel Abdel Haris Nasution as the Commander of Division III TRI announce the results of the meetings and ordered the evacuation of the city of Bandung. [Need citation needed] That same day, a large group Bandung long flowing population left the city of Bandung and the burning of the town took place that night.

Bandung TRI and intentionally burned by local people with the intention that the Allies can not use the Bandung as a military strategic headquarters. Everywhere black smoke billowing soar in the air and all of a power failure. British troops began to attack so fierce fighting occurred. The greatest battles took place in the village of Dayeuhkolot, south of Bandung, where there are a large ammunition depot belonging to Allied. In this battle Muhammad Toha and Ramdan, two militiamen BRI (Barisan Indonesian people) falls on a mission to destroy the ammunition depot. Muhammad Toha managed to detonate the dynamite warehouse. Big warehouse exploded and burned along with two militants in it. Bandung city administration staff will initially remain in the city, but for the sake of their safety, then at 21.00 it was also in the group who evacuated from Bandung. Since that time, approximately 24.00 South Bandung was empty of inhabitants and TRI. But the fire still burning city rising, so Bandung became a sea of ​​fire.

Bandung scorched earth is considered to be an appropriate strategy in the War of Independence of Indonesia because of the strength of TRI and people's militia is not comparable to the strength of the Allies and NICA large amounts. After the incident, along with people's militia TRI guerrilla resistance from outside Bandung. These events inspired the song Halo, Halo Bandung creator name is still a matter of debate.

A few years later, the song "Halo, Halo Bandung" is officially written, into the memory of the emotions that the freedom fighters of the Republic of Indonesia experienced at that time, waiting to return to their beloved city that has become a sea of ​​fire..

by : Andi Salsabilla
       David Sutanto
       Maha Bintang
       Maulidya H.

credits: wikipedia and